What are bubble guts?

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Bubble guts are bubbling sounds that can be heard in the abdomen that are due to gases and fluids that are present in the stomach and intestines. The gut functions in the digestion and assimilation of food. Food is processed in the stomach and the processed food goes to the last part of the colon. The noise that is produced indicates that the intestines are active which is also known as the peristaltic movement.

Normally the sound is subtle and cannot be heard or experienced, but sometimes due to the excessive contraction of the intestines, the sounds becomes louder and only an irregular episode. On the other hand, if it persists in a recurrent manner, the intestines are considered hyperactive.

Causes of bubble guts

Bubble guts occurs only for a few minutes or for a short period of time but when the bubbling sound is persistent, occurring for a long periods of time and can be heard, it can be caused by the following:

The noise that is produced indicates that the intestines are active which is also known as the peristaltic movement.
  • There is an excessive amount of gas in the bowel.
  • It can happen when there is an increase of activity of the intestines and produces continuous contractions.
  • The substance found in gut which is the last part of the bowel is fluid in consistency.

Bubble guts can occur in the following conditions:

  • This is a symptom of diarrhea caused by the presence of abundant fluids in the intestines. Peristalsis of the intestines increases and causes rumbling sounds in the abdomen. Bubble guts starts before the onset of diarrhea until totally cured.
  • Drinking and eating adulterated food and water that contains bacteria and microorganism can lead to the production of toxins that can cause irritation and inflammation in the bowel. Diarrhea is a symptom of food poisoning.
  • A disease of the intestines where there are frequent bouts of diarrhea alternating with constipation along with quick increase and decrease of peristaltic movement. Due to the fast movement, there is an increased amount of water that remains and not fully absorbed, thus resulting to the bubbling sound.
  • Consuming plenty of foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, pea, broccoli, fruit juice, asparagus and onions can result to an increased fermentation and an increase in the formation of gas in the stomach.
  • Excessively drinking tea, coffee and alcohol can cause irritation of the walls of the intestines.

Treatment and home remedies of bubble guts

  • If diarrhea is caused by bacteria or viral infections, treat the condition in order to lessen the bubbling sound. When it is caused by infections, treat the condition using antibiotics and changes in diet to manage the diarrhea.
  • Minimize the consumption of foods such as bean, cabbage, cauliflowers, and onions. Chew the food properly while eating.
  • Avoid drinking carbonated drinks such as tea, alcohol and coffee since it can cause inflammation and irritation of the gut lining and prevent proper absorption of fluids in the gut. The excess fluid will accumulate and cause watery stool and a bubbling sound from the gut.
  • Drink peppermint tea since it helps with bubble guts.
  • Drink buttermilk and eat a cup of yogurt daily since both contain good bacteria that helps improve the flora of good bacteria in the gut.

1 thought on “What are bubble guts?”

  1. Been experiencing excessive gas constant bloating. Tried antiacids. Not working. Can this be an infection, gallstones, or an ulcer? Starting to worry, been having symptoms over a month. Going to my Doctor. Need to know what this is.

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