How to treat chronic sinusitis

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Chronic sinusitis is a condition in which the cavities found around the nasal passages or also known as sinuses becomes inflamed and swelling for about eight weeks despite treatment.

Chronic sinusitis is also known as rhinosinusitis which is a condition that interferes with drainage and causes the building up of mucus. A person suffering from chronic sinusitis experiences difficulty breathing through the nose. The area around the eyes and face feels swollen and there is throbbing pain in the face or a headache.

Chronic sinusitis
The area around the eyes and face feels swollen and there is throbbing pain in the face or a headache

Chronic sinusitis can be caused by infections, growths in the sinuses also known as nasal polyps or by a deviated septum.  Young and middle-aged adults are susceptible to chronic sinusitis, but children can also be affected. If you want to be prepared to manage this condition, click here.

Symptoms of chronic sinusitis

  • Nasal congestion that causes difficulty with breathing via the nose.
  • Drainage of thick, yellow or greenish discharge coming from the nose down at the back of the throat.
  • Reduced sense of smell and taste
  • There is pain, soreness and inflammation found around the cheeks, eyes, nose or forehead.
  • Ear pain and aching can be felt in the upper jaw and teeth
  • Coughing which becomes worse at night
  • Sore throat
  • Bad breath or halitosis, fatigue and irritability
  • Nausea
  • Severe symptoms such as swelling forehead, pain or swelling found around the eyes, severe headache, confusions as well as shortness of breath, stiff neck and changes in vision or double vision would entail immediate medical care.

Causes of chronic sinusitis

  • Nasal polyps are tissue growths that blocks the nasal passages or sinuses
  • Fungal infections of the sinuses
  • A fractured or broken facial bone can cause obstruction of the sinus passages.
  • A crooked septum which is the wall found between the nostrils that restricts or block the sinus passages.
  • Infection of the respiratory tract
  • Allergies such as hay fever
  • Immune system cells called eosinophils can also cause sinus inflammation.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Get plenty of rest in order to help fight inflammation and for fast recovery.
  • Drink plenty of fluids such as water or juice to help in diluting mucous secretions and promote drainage.
  • Avoid beverages that contain alcohol or caffeine since they cause dehydration. Alcohol can worsen the swelling of the sinuses and nose.
  • Drape a towel over the head while breathing in the vapor from a bowl or medium-hot water and keep the vapor toward the face or take a hot shower since breathing the warm and moist air can help minimize pain and drainage of the mucus.
  • Apply a warm compress on the face or a damp towel around the nose, cheeks and the eyes to minimize the pain in the face.
  • Use a squeeze bottle or sinus rinse to rinse the nasal passages. A remedy called nasal lavage can help clear the sinuses.
  • Elevate the head when sleeping to help with sinus drainage and minimize congestion.

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