How to treat mold allergy

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Molds are the microscopic fungal spores or remains of fungi that can trigger allergic rhinitis if inhaled. The small, spores of mold invade the protective mechanism of the nose as well as the upper respiratory tract and eventually reaching the lungs.

Some people with symptoms of mold allergy may be caused by eating some certain foods particularly some cheeses that are treated with fungi. Sometimes, dried fruits, mushrooms and foods that contain yeast as well as soy sauce or vinegar can instigate the allergic symptoms. If you want to learn more about allergies, click here.

Molds are found in places where there is moisture, oxygen and chemicals that they need. During fall, mold grows on rotting logs and fallen leaves like in moist, shady areas. In gardens, they are found in compost piles, grasses and weeds, and some mold attaches themselves to wheat, oats, barley and corn, grain bins, and silos are places molds like to live.

Mold allergy
Symptoms of mold allergy vary from person to person and ranges from mild to severe.

In homes, molds are found in damp basements and closets, shower stalls in bathrooms, cabinets as well as drip trays of refrigerator, plants inside the house, humidifiers, mattresses, padded furniture and worn out foam rubber pillows.

Symptoms of mold allergies

  • A runny or stuffy nose along with sneezing
  • An itchy eyes, nose and throat
  • Watery eyes
  • Post nasal drip and cough

Symptoms of mold allergy vary from person to person and ranges from mild to severe. Symptoms can be year-round or can flare up during certain times of the year. Symptoms can be experienced when the weather is damp, in outdoor or indoor places with high concentrations of mold.

Causes of mold allergy

Molds can be found anywhere whether inside or outside. There are many types of molds that are likely to trigger allergies which include aspergillus, alternaria, cladosporium and penicillium.

Some factors that can make a person likely to end up with a mold allergy or make the symptoms of allergy worse which includes the following:

  • If some members of the family have allergies and asthma, the individual faces the possibility of developing mold allergy.
  • Working in places where there is high concentration of mold like farming, logging, dairy, carpentry, baking, millwork and repair of furniture.
  • Living in a house that is high in humidity.
  • Working or living in a building that are exposed to excess moisture such as leaking pipes, water seepage during rainstorms and flood damage. In this kind of moisture, mold can grow well.
  • Living in a house with tight windows and door seals can trap moisture and create ideal places for molds to grow.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Sleep with the windows closed because airborne mold spores are plenty at night especially when the weather is cool and damp.
  • Wear a dusk mask that covers the nose and mouth to keep mold spores out when cleaning or mowing a lawn or working around compost.
  • Avoid going outdoors like after a rainstorm, in foggy or damp weather, or when the concentration of mold is high.

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