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Fibroids are small growths that occur in the uterus. They are not cancerous and can vary in size. In most cases, they are pinkish in color and grow in any part of the uterus. Some women develop groups of 2-3 fibroids and they typically grow from the muscle cells found in the uterus.

Fibroids cause pelvic pain and pressure, usually affecting the fertility of women. There are different types of fibroids – intramural fibroids (develop within the walls of the uterus), submucosal fibroids (spread into the uterine cavity), pedunculated fibroids (attached to the uterus by a stalk which look similar to a plant stem) and intraligamentous fibroids (develops within the tissue which keeps the uterus in proper place).


  • Intramural and submucosal fibroids cause abnormal menstrual bleeding. Sometimes, severe anemia can develop where there is gushing flow of blood or blood clots and the bleeding episodes happen between menstrual periods.
  • Fibroids causes displacement of the surrounding structures and cause sensation of heaviness and the nerves found in the lower can get compressed.
  • Fibroids that becomes enlarged causes the uterus to move above the pelvic bone and cause deformation or the abdomen becomes enlarged.
  • Fibroids can cause cramping and pelvic pain
  • Bloating or constipation
  • Frequent urination or stress incontinence
  • Affects fertility and cause miscarriages, complications during labor and premature labor.


  • Genetic changes that are not found in normal cells of the uterine muscular tissue.
  • Those within the reproductive age
  • Fibroids that grow due to certain substances that helps in the maintenance of tissues of the body.
  • A family history of uterine fibroids
  • Hormones such as progesterone and estrogen which causes the formation of uterine lining during the menstrual cycle can also cause the growth of fibroids


  • Take plenty of liquids especially water and fresh fruits and vegetables juices at least 2 liters of water every day. Avoid drinking black tea, coffee, carbonated drinks and red wine.
  • Soak the body in a bath of warm water for 30 minutes since this helps in soothing the discomfort. A warm compress such as a heating pad or hot water bottle can be placed on the lower part of the abdomen to minimize the painful cramps.
  • Avoid eating foods that are rich in sugar, fats, red meat, foods that have additives and processed foods.
  • Eating foods rich in fibers such as whole grain, brown rice, bran flakes and oats. Fiber helps in soaking excess amounts of estrogen found in the body.
  • Use sanitary napkins and avoid using tampons during menstruation.
  • Take dandelion in the form of capsules since it helps in balancing the hormonal level and minimize the growth of fibroids. Milk thistle helps in regulating the estrogen level in the body and also shrinks the growth of uterine fibroids.

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