Oral thrush develops due to the overproduction of fungus known as Candida albicans which is form of yeast. It looks like white creamy spots that occur in the tongue, mouth and the cheeks. They are very painful and bleed when lightly scratched. Candida albicans is usually found in the mouth and can be controlled from spreading by healthy bacteria. Sometimes, oral thrush can spread to the roof of the mouth, on the gums, tonsils or at the back of the throat.
Oral thrush can also affect babies, older people and people with suppressed immune systems or suffering from certain health conditions which can be severe and difficult to treat.
- A slightly raised lesions that looks like a cottage cheese
- A creamy white lesion develops in the tongue, inner part of the cheeks and sometimes on the roof of the mouth, gums and tonsils.
- A cottony sensation in the mouth
- Loss of taste
- There is cracking and redness at the corners of the mouth especially people wearing dentures
- Bleeding if the lesions are scraped or rubbed
In severe conditions, it can spread to the esophagus and the affected person will have difficulty swallowing food or a sensation that a food is stuck in the throat - In severe conditions, it can spread to the esophagus and the affected person will have difficulty swallowing food or a sensation that a food is stuck in the throat
- A newborn baby can be affected by oral thrush during birth, particularly in cases where the mother has a vaginal yeast infection during labor as well as delivery because the immune system of babies are not yet fully develop and they are still susceptible during the first few months after birth.
- A child with a weakened immune system can be affected by thrush by sharing toys or pacifiers with a child suffering from the infection.
- An adult wearing false teeth or dentures are at a higher risk of being infected by this condition and spreads it to other people. A person with dentures spreads the infection by handling their dentures and contaminates objects that others touch.
- Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing the teeth at least twice every day and floss once every day. Replace the toothbrush regularly until the infection is totally healed.
- Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Mix well until salt is dissolved. Swish the solution inside the mouth and then spit it out and remember to avoid swallowing the solution. Rinse the mouth several times every day.
- Consume one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day until infection is totally healed.
- Take probiotic supplements in order to help restore the healthy bacteria found in the body, and make the body rebuild its defenses against the yeast and helps in minimizing the spreading of yeast. Foods rich in probiotics includes yogurt which contains millions of healthy bacteria that helps in treating thrush and also aids in improving digestion.