Morning sickness includes symptoms of nausea and vomiting that can be experienced by a pregnant woman and happens any time of the day, but usually worse in the morning.
Take note that morning sickness varies in strength. This condition usually happens during the pregnancy during the first trimester. The symptoms usually start during the 6th week of pregnancy but can begin early as the 4th week and the symptoms become worse on the succeeding months. In some women, the symptoms disappear completely by the 14th week of pregnancy, but in others, it will continue for a longer period of time. Morning sickness can make the affected person fatigued.
- Tiredness, nausea and vomiting
- Back pain
- Constipation
- Swelling of the breast and darkening of the areola
Morning sickness includes symptoms of nausea and vomiting - Loss of appetite
- Passing small amount of urine or dark colored urine
- Feeling dizzy or faint when standing up
- Rapid heartbeat
- Morning sickness can be caused by the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) which is a hormone which increases during the early phase of pregnancy and can cause nausea.
- High levels of estrogen during pregnancy
- Sensitivity to odors in which some aromas can cause gag reflex which is also known as laryngeal spasm which is the contraction at the back of the throat. This is usually caused by an object touching the roof of the mouth, back of the tongue and area around the tonsils.
- A sensitive stomach that causes vomiting and nausea
- Morning sickness can also be caused by stress
- Get plenty of rest and avoid lying down after eating a meal in order to prevent nausea or heartburn.
- Eat light meals throughout the day such as eating something upon waking up in the morning even not feeling well. Eat toasted bread or pretzels since these can help with morning sickness.
- Avoid eating spicy or fatty foods and any foods that causes the feeling of being nauseated.
- Drink a glass of water at least 30 minutes before eating a meal to help with the digestion and prevents the individual from eating too much.
- Drink ginger tea, ginger ale, candied ginger in order to help lessen the symptoms of morning sickness.
- Take a vitamin B6 supplement at least 50 milligram every day.
- Drink water that is mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice can help with morning sickness.
- Take a walk or sit outdoors to get some fresh air.
- Eat foods that are high in carbohydrate or protein content, low in fat and easy to digest.
Tips to bear in mind
Before conception, the woman should take the prescribed prenatal vitamins in order to help prevent morning sickness. Pregnant women taking multivitamins at the time of conception and in the early phase of pregnancy have reduced chance of experiencing morning sickness.
Folic acid present in prenatal vitamins helps in preventing neural tube defects such as spina bifida where the fetal spinal column does not completely close.