Keratosis pilaris

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Keratosis pilaris is a harmless condition of the skin which causes small and hard bumps that makes the skin feel like sandpaper. The bumps are usually light-colored and develop on the upper arms, thighs and buttocks and sometimes there is swelling and redness. Sometimes, they can develop on the face.


Keratosis pilaris can be caused by the accumulation of keratin which is a protein that functions in protecting the skin from infections and harmful elements. The accumulation of keratin will form a plug that causes blockage of the opening of follicles of hair, but there are no known causes of the accumulation of keratin.

Keratosis pilaris
A person with dry skin is susceptible to develop keratosis pelaris and it is usually worse during the winter months where there is reduced moisture in the air and clears up during summer season.

A person with dry skin is susceptible to develop keratosis pelaris and it is usually worse during the winter months where there is reduced moisture in the air and clears up during summer season. It also affects people suffering from eczema which is also called atopic dermatitis.


  • Apply lotion or creams regularly in order to help soften the bumps at least one to two times every day
  • Use goat’s milk or oatmeal since the fats and lactic acid found in goat’s milk helps soften the irritating and scratchy bumps while oatmeal functions as an exfoliant which helps soften the skin.
  • Take over-the-counter moisturizers that contain lactic acid to lessen the keratin that causes the clogging of follicles of hair and eliminate bumps.
  • When taking a bath or showering, use a rough sponge in order to scrape off dead skin. Avoid using loofah since it might be too harsh and can make the condition worse. Use an exfoliating soap that contains small beads that help in scrubbing off dead skin. Another way is using a sugar scrub. All you have to do is mix sugar and honey. Mix them well until it becomes a paste and apply it to the affected skin. Rub in circle-like motions and rinse afterwards using warm water.
  • Take an oatmeal bath to help make the skin smooth and hydrate the itchy skin. Prepare 1/3 cup of oatmeal blend in a blender until it becomes fine and mix it in the tub filled with warm water. Mix thoroughly until the oatmeal is dissolved. Take a bath using this solution at least once every week for better results.
  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in order to make the skin soft.
  • Spend a few minutes under the sun in order to help clear out dead cells from the body. Apply sunscreen when spending out in the sun in order to help minimize damage on the skin.
  • Minimize taking a bath or showers using hot water in order to prevent scalding the skin and causing the skin to become dry. The ideal approach is to take warm or cool baths and showers in order to help lessen the effects of heat on the skin.

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