Infected horsefly bite

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The horsefly is a member of the tabanidae family and there are about 1000 or more found throughout the world and the stripped horsefly and black horsefly are the most dangerous. Horseflies dwell in wet lands and prefers warm climate. They also help in the pollination of flowers especially the male horsefly which feeds on the nectars found in flowers while the female horsefly feeds on the blood of mammals.

When a human is bitten by a horsefly, it causes agonizing pain and swelling. The bite becomes an infected wound. Horsefly transmits anthrax and tularemia between humans and animals and the infections takes about several days to heal.

A horsefly bite leaves a distinctive impression on the skin. It burrows its head and cuts the skin, then sucks the blood. The individual can feel a prickling and burning sensation when the horsefly cuts the skin and sucks the blood. In most cases, horsefly bites usually take a longer time to fully heal because the skin is cut and exposed.

Symptoms of horsefly bite

Horsefly bite
The affected person feels weak and dizzy after the bite.
  • After a horsefly bite, a red bump will develop on the skin and the body reacts and releases histamine that causes itching and inflammation near the affected area.
  • Pain
  • It causes an allergic reaction that causes skin rashes, wheezing and hives.
  • The affected person feels weak and dizzy after the bite.
  • The affected person experiences angioedema where there is swelling of the lip and redness of the eyes after a horsefly bite.
  • If the affected area remains red and painful and the swelling becomes yellow, it clearly indicates an infection.

Treatment and home remedies of infected horsefly bite

  • Clean the wound using clean water or an antiseptic soap solution.
  • After cleaning, dry the area using a clean cloth or a paper. In case the bitten areas were not cleaned and dried, apply saliva over the affected area. Saliva has a protein which has healing properties.
  • Avoid scratching the affected area since it can cause an infection.
  • Apply a steroidal cream since this helps in minimizing the itchiness, but if itching is intolerable; provide the individual with an oral antihistamine.
  • Place a warm water cloth over the affected area. If possible, the cloth should be dipped in salt water.
  • Apply an ice pack over the affected area in order to minimize swelling. Make sure that the ice pack is wrapped in a clean cloth or towel.
  • Take aloe vera juice or gel and prepare a paste by mixing baking soda, honey, juice of onion and garlic and apply it over the affected area to help minimize the pain caused by the horsefly bite.
  • Apply hydrocortisone cream to the affected area since this helps minimize itchiness and swelling. In addition, provide the individual with an antihistamine tablet.

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