How to deal with muscle shaking after workout

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Some people experience certain forms of physical sensation after a workout such as feeling refreshed but tired and sore and even shaking of muscles but this twitching and trembling of muscles is only short lived and not a serious condition. In some individuals, it can be caused by a low fitness level.

The ideal way to prevent and manage muscle shaking and twitching is to change the workout routine, eating protein-rich snacks and drinking plenty of fluids and electrolyte solutions after a workout session.

Causes of muscle shaking after a workout

  • Lack of sleep can cause muscle shaking after a workout. Not getting enough sleep can put the individual at risk for muscle strains, thus causing muscle shaking after engaging in heavy exercises.
  • Performing strenuous exercises will harden the muscles such as starting a strenuous exercise without any warm up exercises. Remember that the muscles works harder and the muscle fibers are not fully stretched over a shorten time.
  • Those who start exercising for the first time should start with low intensity exercises and gradually increase to high performance exercises or else they are at risk to develop muscle shaking and pull after they finished the workout.
  • The body sweats a lot after an exercise routine while fluids and electrolytes are low. This can cause muscle shaking after a workout.
  • During a workout, calories are burned, blood sugar level becomes low and the muscle fibers are starved, thus causing muscle shaking after a workout.
Muscle shaking
Drink plenty of liquids to keep the muscles well hydrated because when the muscles are starved of fluids, they will become fatigued and lead to muscle shaking.

Treatment and home remedies of muscle shaking

  • Drink plenty of liquids to keep the muscles well hydrated because when the muscles are starved of fluids, they will become fatigued and lead to muscle shaking. This can also put the individual at risk for dehydration.
  • After engaging in a high intensity exercise routine, walk slowly if the person is on cardio at least for five minutes or perform light exercises for proper circulation of blood.
  • Drink sports drinks or lemon juice that contains sugar after a workout since it will replace fluids and salts that were lost and minimize shaking of the muscles.
  • Once the body is cooled down after a workout, stretch the muscle in order to relax and improve the range of motion.
  • Before and after engaging in a workout, eat foods rich in protein and carbohydrates such as nuts and dried fruits since they help steady out the muscle steady after a workout. Take protein shakes by combining yogurt, strawberry and almonds.
  • Rest the body when the individual feels overstressed by engaging in a routine exercise. It is vital to rest at least one day or engage in some light exercises the following day in order to prevent twitching and muscle shaking.
  • If the person experiences severe and painful muscle shaking that does not go away after several hours or just keeps recurring, it is time to seek medical help.

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