Concussion is a type of traumatic injury on the brain, usually caused by blows or bumps to the head which affects the brain. It normally resolves itself in an hour or days, but sometimes the symptoms become severe and persistent. In a simple concussion, the person experiences the symptoms in a few hours or days and returns to normal within 7-10 days while a complex concussion can cause severe symptoms and can affect normal cognitive functioning.
- A jolt, a blow or an injury to the head
- A fast back and forth movement of the head or jarring
- Sport injuries such as a fall, a blow on the head with an object and vehicular accidents
Risk factors
- Young children and old people are more susceptible to concussions
- Falling
- Performing high-risk activities without the proper supervision and equipment
- Playing sports such as rugby, soccer, football, martial arts and boxing
- Victim of physical abuse
- A previous injury on the head
Get plenty of rest by taking time off from work or school if the symptoms interfere with work and daily routine. - Vehicular accidents such as collision
- Drowsiness and headache
- Altered state or loss of consciousness
- Lack of concentration and alertness
- Amnesia
- Incapable of performing simple tasks
- Confusion
- Seeing flashing lights
- Irritability and cannot tolerate loud noises
- Nausea and vomiting
- Mood swings and depressive episodes
- Get plenty of rest by taking time off from work or school if the symptoms interfere with work and daily routine.
- Stay in a dimly lighted room in a quiet environment preferably during the day, since bright lights and moderate noises can cause irritation of the post-concussion syndrome and makes the condition worse.
- Moisten a clean washcloth with cool water and place on the forehead and temples to lessen the dull and persistent ache caused by concussion headache.
- Apply a cold compress on the affected area. Fill an ice bag with ice cubes and place it to the head for 10-15 minutes. Rotate the bag on the head. Take note that ice helps in making the area numb and prevents it from becoming worse. If ice bag is not available, a bag of frozen vegetables can be placed to the head.
- Place a tea bag in cup of hot water. Let it cool down and apply the tea bag on the head similar to a cold compress and leave on the head for at least 30 minutes for 2-3 times every day. It also helps lessen the pain caused by concussion headaches. Another way is to put some tea bags in the water to be heated and then let it steep for at least 15 minutes. Using a cotton cloth, dip it on the solution and place it on the head at least 3 times every day to lessen the pain.