A skin that repeatedly rubs against skin or clothing becomes red, irritated and painful, and this condition is known as chafing. This condition becomes worse with constant sweating and being overweight and the friction increases when there is plenty of pressure, humidity, heat and excessive cold and dryness.
Chafing can happen in any part of the body but the thighs, underarms, nipples, neck and the groin are most prone to this condition and this is usually common in people who are overweight and have sensitive skin.
Chafing happens when the skin rubs against each other while performing exercises, walking, and wearing certain kind of clothes. This causes irritation of the skin and pain. The common symptoms of chafing include sore patches, red marks, pain, rashes and burning sensation becomes worse when not properly treated and the affected areas stings when in contact with water. Chafing is not a serious condition, but it can cause a break in the skin and increases the risk for infection and other complications later on.
- Apply a cold compress over the affected area as soon as possible in order to help lessen the redness and irritation. Wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and place it on the affected area at least 5 minutes every day. Just remember to avoid applying the ice directly on the skin. Another way is washing the affected areas using cold water.
Apply a cold compress over the affected area as soon as possible in order to help lessen the redness and irritation. - Using aloe vera also helps in minimizing the irritation on the skin. The glycoprotein found in aloe vera helps lessen the pain and inflammation while the polysaccharides helps stimulate the repair of skin cells and also helps in the fast healing and reducing the risk for infections. Scoop out the gel on the aloe vera leaf and apply it directly on the affected area at least 2-3 times every day.
- Using oatmeal is also beneficial since it has medicinal properties by helping moisturize, clean and relax chafed skin. In a bathtub filled with lukewarm water, mix 1-2 cups of oatmeal powder. The individual should soak the body in the solution at least 20-30 minutes and then rinse the body using lukewarm water. This should be done at least once every day and avoid scrubbing or rubbing the affected skin.
- Wear 100% cotton clothes when exercising, walking or playing sports in order to help prevent chafing.
- Make a paste by mixing baking soda and a few drops of water. Apply the mixture on the affected area at least 5 minutes and rinse it off using cool water. This should be done at least once every day for a few days. Avoid leaving baking soda on the skin for too long to prevent the condition from getting worse.