Bumps on the tongue

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Fungiform papillae are small bumps on the tongue that are found on top and sides. They are the same color with the rest of the tongue and under normal condition cannot be seen. The texture of the tongue is rough that helps when eating. The tongue has also taste buds and temperature sensors. If there are large, painful bumps that develop on the tongue, it is also known as canker sores.

If the tongue develops yellow or red bumps, it is a condition known as transient lingual papilitis which is also called “lie bumps”. These can cause severe pain and mild tenderness.


Bumps on the tongue
Avoid foods that cause discomfort such as tomatoes, sodas, orange juice and coffee as well as cinnamon, chili powder and mint. Avoid chewing tobacco and cigarette.
  • Practice good oral hygiene every day. Brush the tongue regularly in order to help minimize the severity of the canker sore symptoms.
  • Scrape the tongue using a tongue scraper to help remove particles of food around the canker sores and makes the tongue clean.
  • Gargle with warm salt water solution. Make a saline solution by mixing ½ teaspoon of salt to 8 oz glass filled with warm water. Mix them until salt is dissolved completely. Gargle a mouthful of the solution for at least 30 seconds and spit it out. Repeat this procedure at least 3-4 times every day until bumps on the tongue are eliminated. Swish saline solution after eating meals in order to help remove any food particles in the teeth or on the tongue. Saline solution has antibacterial properties and helps relieve the bumps on the tongue.
  • Drink cold or cool liquids in order to help lessen the inflammation. Drink cold beverages as a daily hydration routine in order to help minimize any discomfort.
  • It is vital to avoid dehydration. Women should drink at least 9 cups of water every day and 13 cups for men. Pregnant and active people should drink up to 16 cups of water every day.
  • Suck on ice cubes, ice pops or ice chips in order to help lessen the bumps on the tongue and the cold helps numb and lessen the swelling of the affected area. When the ice melts, the body can stay hydrated and lessen the risk for the tongue to become dry and worsen the discomfort. Another way is placing ice cubes directly on the swollen surfaces of the tongue as often as possible.
  • Eat foods such as ice cream, yogurt and milk in order to help lessen discomfort.
  • Avoid foods that cause discomfort such as tomatoes, sodas, orange juice and coffee as well as cinnamon, chili powder and mint. Avoid chewing tobacco and cigarette.
  • Use throat lozenges or anesthetic sprays that have pain relievers in order to lessen pain due to bumps on the tongue.
  • Rub a prescribed topical steroid on the tongue in order to help minimize pain and discomfort caused by bumps on the tongue

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