Tightness in the lower back

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Tightness in the lower back is a common issue experienced by many individuals all over the world. Some people can experience backache at some point in their lifetime. Tightness in the lower back is caused by spasm of back muscles.

Tightness in the lower back can be caused by strain, overuse and back muscles that become weak and it can only be a temporary inconvenience that just happens anytime or can be continuous which can cause interference in the regular work, rest and sleep.

Causes of tightness in the lower back

  • It can be caused by spasms of the back muscle.
  • The contraction and pulling of the muscles caused by poor posture. It can be strained by performing some strenuous activities from time to time and sudden pulling or straining due to lifting or stretching can also cause soreness in the lower back.
  • Lack of mobility for long periods of time, incorrect position while sleeping, driving and reading can cause tightening of the lower back muscles.
  • Psychological conditions such as depression, nervousness and anxiety can cause tightness in the lower back muscles.

Treatment and home remedies of muscle tightness in the lower back

Tightness in the lower back
Rest the muscle to help minimize the spasms.
  • Rest the muscle to help minimize the spasms. The individual should avoid engaging in activities and get enough bed rest while sleeping in a position that can minimize pain and relax the spastic muscles.
  • The individual should lie on a bed using a thin pillow under the head. The lower leg should be elevated by placing 2 cushions or pillows under the legs. The mattress should be firm to prevent the body from sagging and stick with a side-lying position while sleeping.
  • Massage the affected area since it helps in relaxing the stressed muscles of the lower back and minimizes tightening. Use fingers to massage and must be done gently and avoid doing it vigorously.
  • Apply cold and hot compress on the lower back. The cold compress can be used on the back for the first two days at least 15 minutes for each application at 3 times in a day.
  • Apply a warm compress on the third day in order to promote increased circulation of blood in the area as well as minimize the spasms.
  • Applying acupressure is another remedy in order to help minimize the pain and stiffness in the back.
  • Take the prescribed muscle relaxants and pain medications to promote faster healing.
  • The individual should quit smoking since it can cause a reduction in the amount of oxygen to the muscles and tissues. The lack of oxygen delays the healing of the affected area.

Exercises help to relieve low back stiffness

  • Forward bend – Slowly bend the trunk forward and bring the arms down in an arc and stoop forward as much as possible.
  • Bent knee sit-up – Lie down on the back by keeping both hands interlocked behind the neck. Knees are bent at 45 degrees and both feet are placed on the ground.

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