Pulled muscle groin

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A pulled muscle groin is an injury to the muscles of the inner thigh area which is also known as adductor group of muscles. It affects the muscles that are found on the medial part of the pelvis and the femur. Groin pull affects the movement of the hip joint and is usually common among athletes such as swimmers, sprinters and football players.

Athletes are used to muscle pulls, whatever sports is played and stretching or sudden movements can cause this severe injury.

Treatment and home remedies of pulled groin muscle

Pulled muscle groin
Rest the affected groin. It is important for injury to have adequate time to heal by minimizing the level of activity.
  • Rest the affected groin. It is important for injury to have adequate time to heal by minimizing the level of activity.
  • Encourage the individual to perform some gentle stretches to help with the healing process, but it should be low in intensity and if there is pain, stop the exercises.
  • Apply an ice pack over the affected area during the first two days after the injury in order to minimize inflammation and reduce the pain and edema. After two days, apply an ice compress again for 15 to 20 minutes several times in a day.
  • Apply warm compress in the later part of the injury since it helps in improving circulation of blood in the affected area and promotes faster healing. Apply the warm compress before doing stretching exercises.
  • Take the prescribed anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin in order to minimize pain and inflammation.
  • Minimize strenuous physical activities.
  • Seek medical help immediately if the pulled groin does not heal, become worse or the pain is very severe.
  • When the affected area starts to heal, perform some stretching exercise under the guidance of a physical therapist. The physical therapist can make a program that prevents the muscles from being re-injured again and to strengthen the muscle and ensure prevention of future injuries.

Recovery time from a pulled groin injury depends upon the extent of the injury and the age of the affected person. Younger individuals usually recover faster than older people which take a longer time for the injury to heal. If injury is just a strain in the muscle, the affected person can recover in a few days, but if there is a tear in the muscle fibers, it can take months to heal but usually recovers completely.

Pulled groin exercises

  • Perform adductor stretching. Squat on the floor and place the arms between the two legs. Gradually move the knees outwards, so the legs are pushed apart by the elbows. Remain in this position for a few seconds and return back to the original position. This exercise helps in strengthening the muscles of the inner thigh and minimizes the risk for a pulled groin injury.
  • Hip and abductor stretching focuses on the abductor muscles of groin area and the upper thigh. Place the right foot forward and then bend the knees downwards, but keep the spine erect and do not bend the left knee. Remain in this position for a few seconds and then repeat this procedure with the left knee. The individual can perform lunge slide exercises to help strengthen the muscles of the thigh and prevents injury to the groin.

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