How to treat acute coronary syndrome

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Acute coronary syndrome is caused by a wide range of conditions due to sudden and lessened flow of blood to the heart. It is caused by the accumulation of fatty deposits in and on the walls of the coronary arteries. These arteries functions for delivering oxygen and nutrients to the heart. The accumulation of fatty deposits is sudden and it can come and go over a period of time. The muscles of the heart need a constant supply of oxygen-rich blood in order to function properly. A blood clot can be the common cause of a blocked coronary artery.

Symptoms of acute coronary syndrome

  • Angina or chest pain, a discomfort that can be described as aching, tightness, pressure or burning.
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pain that spreads from the chest to the shoulder, back, neck or jaw, down to the upper abdomen and into the arms.
  • Shortness of breath or dyspnea
  • Diaphoresis or sudden heavy sweating
  • Indigestion
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Restlessness or apprehensive
  • Lightheadedness, dizziness or fainting


acute coronary syndrome
Angina or chest pain, a discomfort that can be described as aching, tightness, pressure or burning.
  • Coronary artery disease or heart disease due to atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries
  • Atherosclerosis causes a substance called plaque and builds up in the coronary artery. The plaques will result to angina by making the arteries narrow and limits flow of blood to the muscles of the heart and result to heart attack.


  • Take the prescribed thrombolytic which is a clot busters, to dissolve blood clots that causes blocking of the artery.
  • Take the prescribed nitroglycerin to improve flow of blood by widening the vessels of blood and resume the normal flow as soon as possible. Pain medications for angina to lessen the pain in the chest. Oxygen is used when there is difficulty with breathing and shortness of breath.
  • Prescribed antiplatelet medications to prevent blood clots from forming. Beta blockers to slow down heart rate relax the muscles of the heart and lower the blood pressure. Statins to lessen the cholesterol levels in the blood and stabilize deposits of plaques and prevent rupture of the plaques.
  • Maintain a diet that is good for heart that includes eating fresh fruits and vegetables; lean and whole grains.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Perform regular exercises every day to keep physical fit. Take at least 2-3 hours of exercises every week
  • Avoid being overweight. Maintain a normal healthy weight.
  • Minimize drinking of alcohol. Avoid drinking more than one or two alcoholic drink every day to lessen the risk of raising the blood pressure.


People with heart problems in the past such as heart attack are required to take prescribed baby aspirin in addition to their daily regular medication. Aspirin prevents the formation of blood clots and lessens the high risk of developing a second heart attack.

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