Burning pain in the forearm

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The skin sensation of numbness, “pins and needles” or a “burning”, “creeping” or “tingling” sensation that can be felt on the skin is called “paresthesis”. The sensations begin with tingling and changes to numbness and these symptoms are caused by damaged, certain conditions or an injured sensory nerve.

Causes of burning pain in the forearm

The burning pain in the forearm can be a pressure that is applied to the nerve or at the roots in the spinal cord. It is important to note that this type of burning pain occurs when the nerve is trapped. There are common conditions that can cause burning sensation in the forearm such as the following:

Burning pain in the forearm
Apply a cold compress over the affected forearm.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the medial nerve is pinched in the carpal tunnel and can cause burning pain that can be felt in the forearm and wrist.
  • The roots of the nerve found in the cervical area are pinched and causes sharp pain in the forearm and can spread to the arm.
  • Those who are suffering from diabetic neuropathy which is a disease that affects the nerves in the forearm.
  • Tennis elbow can cause burning pain in the forearm and accompanied by difficulty moving the elbow joint.
  • Any injury to the forearm and arm that causes burning pain.
  • Certain infections such as boils and abscesses on the forearm can cause burning pain.
  • A viral disease such as herpes zoster can affects the forearm nerve, thus causing burning pain.
  • Sunburn and chemical burn on the forearm can cause burning pain.
  • Deficiency in vitamin C complex.

Treatment and home remedies for burning pain in the forearm

  • Apply a cold compress over the affected forearm. You can place some ice cubes in a cloth and compress the affected area for a few minutes at least 3-4 times every day.
  • Rest the affected forearm and wrist for a few days. By resting the joints, it helps minimize the inflammation that is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • The individual should avoid sitting for long periods of time especially working in front of computers and watching television. It is recommended to take a break every now and then with these activities.
  • If the individual is suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, he/she should use a carpal tunnel splint when working on the computer.
  • The individual should eat foods that are rich in vitamin B complex such as chicken, meat, turkey, sunflower seeds, potatoes, mangoes, avocados, and bananas.
  • The blood sugar level should be monitored and regulated.
  • Avoid gaining weight by performing daily exercises or simply walk for at least 45 minutes on a daily basis.

Preventing burning pain in the forearm

The individual should stick with a routine exercise that covers the whole body but focuses more on the forearms and hands. This can help restore and build-up strength, flexibility, range of motion of the joint as well as stamina.

During breaks from work, the individual can take a walk, stretch the forearms, massage the hands or perform range of motion exercise for the neck, shoulders, elbows, hands and wrists.

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