Tips to help with the management of Glaucoma

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In order to know how to go about with the management of Glaucoma, it is important to know what this disease entails as well as its impact as far as damage to the human eye is concerned. Glaucoma is a disease of the eye which hampers with the ability of the eye to communicate with an individual’s brain so that in the end, their vision is damaged. Glaucoma may be caused by the destruction of the optic nerve or a sharp increase in pressure within the eye that destroys the nerve. In some cases, both scenarios play out, and if not attended to early enough can lead to permanent eye damage. The sad thing about this condition is that it has no pain and sets in very quietly. The reason for this is that over time, the brain creates images automatically to replace those empty spaces created by glaucoma.

With this information, it becomes clear why it is imperative to find handy ways to deal with the management of glaucoma. The first thing to note is that there really is no cure for this condition, but there are various treatment options which aid in reducing the pressure in the eye. Since Glaucoma can affect just about anyone, these tips will be helpful especially if one effectively wants to ensure that the condition of the eye does not deteriorate.

1)      Prevention is better than cure, they said, and this is very true when it comes to managing glaucoma. Having a complete eye examination is paramount, at least once in every couple of years. The reason for this is that by the time loss of sight is noted, the disease has quietly cause irreversible damage.

2)      Having mentioned that this disease is caused by elevated pressure in the eye, proper management of glaucoma calls for one to be aware of what their normal eye pressure is as this will differ from one individual to another. This pressure is denoted by the term ‘intraocular pressure’- IOP.

3)      It is important that you take the medication administered as provided for in the prescription. Glaucoma lasts a lifetime, so for the best treatment, medication should be taken as required.

4)      Be aware of the risk factors that come with the management of glaucomaas this meansthat one will be well prepared for any eventualities. The particular things to look out for include: a family history of Glaucoma especially for individuals who are past the age of 50, a high IOP that is pegged nearsightedness as well as one’s vision.

5)      Should you suspect that you are at risk of glaucoma, visit an eye specialist and have a proper diagnosis done. The management of glaucoma is best carried out as early as possible. Once diagnosis is confirmed in the positive, proper treatment should ensue to prevent the condition from becoming worse. These are important tips that you must know not only for themselves but for the people around them as well.

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