Pinched nerve in the arm

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A pinched nerve in some parts of the body can be severely debilitating for a person with symptoms that affects the daily activities. Compression of a nerve is a type of damage on the nerve or set of nerves such as the nerve that carry messages to and from the brain to a specific area.

Nerves also help in carrying sensations to the brain. Nerves that are found in the arm can be pinched from the surrounding tissues such as the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. There is tingling, pain in the arm, numbness, weakness of muscles of the arm are some common symptoms when the nerve found in the arm are pinched.

Common causes of pinched nerve in the arm

  • Muscles in the arm which are overused, excessive stretching, compression and constriction.
  • A compressed nerve becomes inflamed and cannot function normally.
  • Obesity can also cause compression of a nerve in the arm and usually affect people performing repetitive activities and have injuries in the arm.
  • Placing the arm in an awkward position for long periods of time can also cause a pinched nerve in the arm.
Pinched nerve in the arm
A tingling sensation such as pins and needles that is felt down the shoulder to the wrist and it can also spread to one or two fingers.

Common symptoms of pinched nerve in the arm

  • A sharp, shooting pain which spreads downwards.
  • There is a reduced sensation in the affected area where the nerve is pinched and there is also numbness.
  • A tingling sensation such as pins and needles that is felt down the shoulder to the wrist and it can also spread to one or two fingers. The thumb and the pointing fingers are the ones impacted by this sensation.
  • There is tenderness in the affected area.
  • Twitching of the muscles or a weakness of the muscle such as the deltoid and triceps muscles

Treatment and home remedies of a pinched nerve in arm

  • Get plenty of rest especially the affected area since this helps in minimizing the inflammation of tissues that causes pressure on the nerve. Avoid performing activities using the affected hand.
  • Wear a splint in order to help control the mobility of the arm and the hand to help promote fast healing of the damaged nerve.
  • Apply ice pack or compress on the affected area in order to help minimize inflammation and irritation of the nerve. Wrap a few pieces of ice cubes in a clean towel and place it around the affected nerve for 10-15 minutes. This helps lessen the pain and swelling of the tissues and reduces the pressure placed on the pinched nerve. Perform this procedure at least 2-3 times every day for a few days.
  • Take the prescribed anti-inflammatory medication to lessen the inflammation of the muscles and tissue that compresses the nerve.
  • Encourage the individual to walk regularly at least for 30 minutes every day since this helps promote the proper circulation of blood and for fast recovery of some underlying ailments.

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