Mosquito bites

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Bites of mosquitos are described as itchy bumps that occur after mosquitos utilizes their mouthparts in puncturing the skin and feed on the blood. Most bites are harmless, but sometimes it can cause swelling, soreness and redness on a large area of skin. This reaction is most likely to occur among children and is also called as Skeeter syndrome.

Skeeter syndrome is an allergic reaction that manifest after a bite from a mosquito. The condition causes inflammation and low grade fever. It has a severe symptom and different from the ordinary itching and bump after a mosquito bite. Take note that this condition is caused by the compounds that are found in the saliva of the mosquito which are called polypeptides.

Skeeter syndrome is not a contagious disease. The person is susceptible to develop Skeeter syndrome if he/she has history of allergic reactions with other substances. The symptoms will manifest soon after the bite. Bites from mosquitoes carry some viruses and parasites that are capable of causing severe illnesses such as malaria, yellow fever and certain types of infections on the brain such as encephalitis.

Symptoms of mosquito bites

Bites from mosquitoes carry some viruses and parasites that are capable of causing severe illnesses such as malaria, yellow fever and certain types of infections on the brain such as encephalitis.
  • A hard, itchy and reddish-brown bump or multiple bumps that happens a day or two after the bite.
  • Bulging and white bumps that occur immediately after the bite.
  • Swelling around the bitten area
  • There are small blisters instead of hard bumps
  • There are dark spots that appear similar to bruises

In some people with disorders of the immune system, they have symptoms such as the following:

  • A low grade fever
  • A large area that is swollen and red in color
  • Hives and swollen lymph nodes

Treatment and home remedies for mosquito bites

  • Take antihistamines and corticosteroids in order to relieve the symptoms by minimizing the itching and burning sensation as well as the formation of blisters in other areas of the body.
  • Apply aloe vera since it possesses mild antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties and helps lessen the itching and inflammation.
  • Apply topical Benadryl over the affected area as often as possible.
  • Calamine lotion can also help in relieving the itchiness. Take note that it has a mixture of zinc oxide and ferric oxide and also used in treating poison oak, poison ivy and poison sumac reactions. In addition, it also helps dry up weeping and oozing from any irritation on the skin.
  • Create a paste by using baking soda and mixing it with little water and apply the paste over the bite site to minimize the itchiness.
  • Add baking soda to a hot bath and soak the body bath for a few minutes. This helps minimize the swelling, itching and redness as well as prevents the likelihood for infections.
  • Crush a few pills of aspirin and mix it with a few drops of water. Apply the paste over the affected areas and leave in place overnight for the best results. It works by relieving pain and inflammation.

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