How to treat urinary tract infections in teens and adults

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Urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of the body. It includes the bladder and the kidneys along with the tubes that functions in connecting them. Urinary tract infections are bladder infections that are not serious conditions if they are treated right away. In case a bladder infection is not treated right away, it has the potential to spread to the kidneys and can cause kidney infection which is a serious condition and can cause damage to the body. You can learn more about type of infection if you will enroll in a first aid class today.

Women are more susceptible to urinary tract infections than men because women have a shorter urethra and it is easier for the germs to move to the bladders.

People suffering from kidney stones or an enlarged prostate gland face a high risk of acquiring urinary tract infections.

Causes of urinary tract infections

  • Bacteria that enters the urethra and moves up to the urinary tract causes urinary tract infections
  • Some bacteria that live in the large intestines and are present in the feces or stool are sources of infections.
  • Sexual intercourse can move bacteria into the urinary tract common in women.
  • Catheters which are small flexible tubes that are inserted into the bladder to allow urine to drain can be a source of bacterial infection.
  • Kidney stones and an enlarged prostate in men can cause urinary tract infections since it limits the ability of the body to fully eliminate urine from the body.
Urinary tract infection
A pain in the flank which is found below the rib cage and the waist on both sides of the back

Symptoms of the urinary tract infections

  • An urge of urinating frequently but passing only small amounts of urine
  • Pain and burning sensation when urinating
  • The color of the urine is pink or red and smells bad and has a cloudy appearance.
  • Pain in the lower belly
  • A pain in the flank which is found below the rib cage and the waist on both sides of the back
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Chills and fever

Treatment and home remedies

  • Drinking lots of water, especially during the first 24 hours after the symptoms occurred. In some cases, drinking cranberry juice can also help out a lot.
  • Urinating frequently to completely empty the bladder each time.
  • Take a hot bath or a lay a heating pad over the genitalia area in order to relieve the pain. Just make sure that the individual will never go to sleep with a heating pad in place.

Preventive measures for men and women

  • Take time to empty the bladder as much as possible
  • Drink plenty of water and other liquids on a daily basis
  • Urinating immediately after sexual intercourse
  • Avoid using condoms that are coated with spermicides or a diaphragm used for birth control
  • Drinking cranberry juice can help minimize the infection
  • Wipe the genital area from front to back after using the toilet to avoid spreading of bacteria from the anus to the urinary tract
  • Changing sanitary napkins as often as possible

It is best to consult a doctor regarding antibiotics that are taken right after sexual intercourse in order to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections. Post-menopausal women should ask for medical help when using vaginal estrogen in preventing recurrent urinary tract infections.

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