Head congestion

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Head congestion is caused by the swelling of the nasal passages and mucous membranes, stuffiness, excess production of mucous and clogged ears. Take note that this can be caused by a virus, infection and allergies.

Head congestions have several symptoms that range in severity and duration like-

  • When sinusitis causes head congestion, there will be bouts of coughing that becomes worse at night. Cough caused by head congestion results in a cough that has mucus that can cause sore throat and heaviness of the chest.
  • When mucus spreads to the throat, sore throat can develop and there is difficulty in eating, swallowing foods and liquids. The individual can use warm water for gargling to provide relief to this discomfort.
  • When the sinuses are blocked, there is shortness of breath, after blowing the nose the nostrils stays clogged and there is difficulty breathing through the nose. Understandably, these will force the affected person to breathe through the mouth. Appetite and taste of food is also affected.
  • Earaches can develop when the sinuses are infected and cause hearing problems. Babies and young children are susceptible to earaches and medical attention is always required.
  • Head congestion is the same with a headache since it affects both sides of the head, the temples along with a heavy head sensation. A headache caused by viral infection tends to become worse.
  • Head congestion causes pain in the head, cheeks, nose and the forehead. The face becomes puffy, swollen and sore when touched. It can be relieved by a warm compress.
Head congestion
When sinusitis causes head congestion, there will be bouts of coughing that becomes worse at night.

Head congestion causes

  • Influenza or a common cold
  • Allergies to dust, certain types of food and chemicals
  • Physical conditions such as a deviated septum that can cause chronic sinusitis
  • Lack of sleep, dehydration and too much caffeine
  • Lack of regular exercise
  • Suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Treatment and home remedies for head congestion

  • Install a humidifier since it helps with congestion especially when sleeping at night. Purifying or any heating or cooling devices should be cleaned regularly in order to avoid the risk of accumulation of bacteria that makes the condition worse.
  • When sleeping, prop up the body on several pieces of pillows to lessen the congestion in the head. Use nasal adhesive strips in order to lessen congestion.
  • Prepare 8 ounces of warm water, mix with half a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda. This solution is used to flush out mucus from the nose. Saline solution can also be used in treating sore throat and swollen nasal passages.
  • Avoid consuming foods that causes allergies, polluted areas, dust as well as perfumes and smoke since these can make the symptoms worse.
  • Using a bowl of hot water, the individual should inhale the steam since it helps in minimizing the mucus and relieve head congestion. An alternative is to take a hot shower and inhale the steam at least for several times every day.
  • Drink plenty of herbal tea that is mixed with honey and chicken broth. This helps in preventing dizziness and minimizes the congestion.

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