Dealing with muscle stiffness in the legs

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Muscle stiffness in the legs will make an individual tired and less motivated to move. Stiffness in the legs can be caused by staying sedentary for a long time and engaging in exercises vigorously as well as certain conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

Causes of muscle stiffness in the legs

  • Stiffness in the legs in the morning upon waking up can be caused by sleeping in a position that does promote proper oxygenation of the leg muscles while sleeping.
  • A sedentary lifestyle and not enough exercises will lead to inadequate circulation through different parts of the body.
  • Muscle stiffness in the legs can also be caused by overexerting the body with some physical activity as well as carrying loads that are heavy in which the legs have difficulty supporting it.
Muscle stiffness
It is recommended that the individual will walk and move around. Sitting for long periods of time is the common cause of stiffness in the legs.

Treatment and home remedies for muscle stiffness in the legs

  • It is recommended that the individual will walk and move around. Sitting for long periods of time is the common cause of stiffness in the legs. If sitting at a workstation all day, take a break by walking across the room at several times during the course of the day in order to loosen up the stiff leg muscles and promote proper circulation.
  • Soak the legs in warm water for 10-15 minutes since it will relax muscle stiffness in the legs and relieve any stiffness that affects the knee, joint of the hips and ankle. Take a dip in a warm hot tub or a relaxing soak in a bathtub.
  • Massage the leg muscle by firmly pressing down the stiff leg muscle and rub them using a back and forth motion. Use a hand-held massage device that can penetrate deep into the tissues of the muscles and allow the vibrations to loosen up any tension.
  • Perform exercises such as stretching out the calf muscle by standing up and facing a wall with the feet flat on the floor. The hands should be placed against the wall and lean forward slowly while one leg is gliding backward. Keep this stretching position for 20 seconds and repeat the procedure using the opposite leg.
  • Another exercise is stretching the hamstrings by lying on the back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift one leg up, hold the thigh with both hands and pull the leg toward the chest. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and repeat the procedure using the opposite leg.
  • Stretch the quadriceps muscles by standing and face a wall with one palm placed against it, then lift one leg behind using one hand to hold on the heel while pulling upward. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and repeat the procedure with the opposite leg.
  • Apply alternating hot and cold compress on the affected area until stiffness of the leg disappears. If you want to learn more about cold and hot therapy, read here.

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